About Us
Our Mission:
Through a collective vision, we will create an army of passionate, enthusiastic volunteers dedicated to:
Shaping a creative economy to foster and support artists;
Identifying opportunities and providing noteworthy events that educate and spark imagination and excitement for our diverse community;
And, partnering with other groups in our city to lift every opportunity up to daring heights as we thrive as neighbors and friends

ACES of Meridian is a non-profit organization made up of arts minded volunteers that focus on creative cultural events in Meridian, MS. The organization was founded in 2021.
2024 Board:
Mark Davis - President
Will Hayes - Vice President
Natalie Buckley - Treasurer
Sydney Hannah – Secretary
J’Marcus Alfred
Daniel Ethridge
Lawren Fugitt
Cary Haycox
Will Hayes
Scott Hook
Marty McIntyre
Julia Norman
Elic Purvis